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Subject Scholar

Charm Art by Crystal Xu



Read 5 units of non-fiction books on the chosen subject/topic.

What you need to know

Who should go on this quest?

If you have a particular subject that you are wanting to learn more about, this quest will give you a starting point to read about that. Here is a chance to design your own curriculum for the subject that you truly want to learn about. No authorities looking down and imposing their values on what is “important” or “interesting”. You get to decide and take your curiosities wherever it leads you!


What are non-fiction books?

They are books about real people, events and ideas. They convey true information about their subject material. The style in which they are written can be quite varied, ranging from narrative, expository, persuasive or descriptive. 

How should you approach this quest?

The first thing to do is to decide on a subject or topic. You can start with a book that gives a broad overview of the subject before deciding on specific gaps you would like to fill in order to decide which other books to read. Ideally, you want to choose 5 books that give you different perspectives or cover different subtopics within your subject. (There is little benefit from reading 5 books covering exactly the same grounds. Not to mention you will be extremely bored by then!) It will help to take down keynote ideas as you read, and jote down questions that arise from the reading. Ask yourself what else on this topic will be interesting to know more about. With a little research, these questions can lead you to other books on the same topic.

Which quest should I attempt next?

Another quest with a chosen theme is the Deep Diver quest. If you think you would like to learn more about different topics, you can try the Fact Finder quest. If real life stories of people interest you, Lives Liver is the quest for you.

Reader Profile

Subject Scholars are more savants than Jack of all trades. With clarity on their passion and goal, they actively seek to expand their knowledge on their current obsessions. Discovering obscure knowledge and filling up information gaps give them a tremendous sense of satisfaction, which further spurs them to explore in tangents or dwell deeper into a topic. Tenacious and devoted in their pursuit of knowledge, Subject Scholars are self-reliant go-getters who are also often trusted and well-respected for their specialties. 

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