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Story Seeker

Charm Art by Jasmine Liu



Read 5 units of fiction books.

What you need to know

Who should attempt this quest?

If you are new to reading, this quest is the best way to get your feet wet. Story Seeker is the easiest of all 18 quests available. You can read storybooks from any genre. The only criteria is that each book must be at least a hundred pages long.

What is a fiction book? 

Fiction books are literature that describe imaginary events, people and places.

You can start off with a couple of popular books in these suggested lists based on year levels:

- Year 6 to 8

- Year 9 to 10

- Year 11 to 13

Reader Profile

The Story Seeker loves any good story. They know that reading for pleasure absolutely excites all senses. Their vivid imagination surpasses that of any movie director and their emotional intelligence is normally above average. They may progress to specific genres but are happy to explore the whole plethora of story gems out there.

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