Series Soaker
Charm Art by Richard Liang & Helen Kang
Read 5 units of books from a series or two.
What you need to know
Who should attempt this quest?
After reading the first book in a series, you will tend to be already rooting for the protagonists and wish to know what happens next. You are drawn into the second, then the third and so on... If you find yourself soaking up series this way, then Series Soaker is the no-brainer quest for you.
What are books in series?
Authors sometimes have grand stories about their imagined characters to tell that will fill way too many pages. That is when they break the story up into bite-sized stories that are linked together. Most of the time, each can stand on their own. Writers do make an attempt to remind readers of important details at the start of each book. However, better enjoyment and appreciation comes when the books are read in sequence as intended.
What to expect from this quest?
If you hate having to figure things out at the beginning of a book, reading a series will remove much of that initial unsureness. In reading a series, you get too immersed in the story for a while, getting to know each character as they go through their various challenges and develop in the process, very much like in real life where the passage of time can bring about unexpected outcomes. Every book will have a different set of challenges for the protagonists. With each book, you become more familiar with the people and their world. Surely, such complex details cannot be communicated in a single book. You soak it all up. By the end, you will want more! And maybe, in a couple of months, a new book in the series will be released, and the story continues.
Reader Profile
Series Soaker know that nothing succeeds like excess. They love the cumulative immersion into fictional worlds, getting to know characters and places better and better from cover to cover with the sureness that their beloved characters will always end up in some epic episodes. The pleasure is in the emotional intensity of rooting hard for their heroes, however flawed they may be. No amount of distractions or unexpected incidents can falter the focus of these committed perfectionists who will always finish what they start.