What is Gabriella reading?
I'm reading "My story" by Elizabeth Smart. It is the story of how at age fourteen in June 2002, she was abducted out of her bedroom by religious fanatics. She courageously survived 9 months of abduction and was repeatedly subjected to inhumane conditions and experiences. It is a book for mature audiences.
As I approach the end of the novel, I felt an increasing desire for justice to be served to her abductors due to my anger at the unfairness at what she had been put through. Thankfully, her abductors have been fairly sentenced.
I find it extremely admirable how Elizabeth recovered from this incident. Despite the hardships she suffered, she still returned to high school, to university and has made a successful career full of activism and positivity.
I think we should all take some of her resilience, and apply her extraordinary attitude and ability to forgive and forget into our own lives.
What are you currently reading- and what is one positive takeaway from it that you can apply to your every day life?