Review by Nicole Qian
Ordinary "I know I’m not an ordinary ten-year old kid. I mean, sure, I do ordinary things. I eat ice cream. I ride my bike. I play ball. I have an Xbox. Stuff like that makes me ordinary. I guess. And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don’t make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don’t get stared at whenever they go. ”
Ordinary. It’s not what everyone desires to be. Most of us want to be the smartest student, the fastest athlete, the most successful writer, the prettiest girl or the most charming boy. But for someone who stands out, do they want to be conspicuous among the sea of normal? Was fame, recognition, talent, charisma always wanted? Did they have a choice over who they would be or will turn out to be? My answer is no.
For August, he doesn’t seem ordinary. Before I discuss anything else, I need to explain something important. A person’s physiognomy is not a full reflection of who they are as a person. No one should make fun of someone because of how they look, how they like to dress or how their skin is a different tone. We are all different. Yet similar. Why do we say mean things? Why do we peek at the answers? Why do we ignore the student who sits by their self at break? Ignorance? Human nature? Idleness? Are these not qualities we all possess? Yes, and it’s okay. We are homo sapiens. Driven by impulse, bursting with emotions, unbelievably intelligent...and unique.
I love that August is a reminder of our own quirky uniqueness and how we thrive to preserve our presence in the world. He is timid at first, but after tears, tears and tears, he finds himself in a sea of Extraordinaires. I guess, what I’m trying to say is don’t be afraid to express yourself. Be bold. Be you. Surprise yourself. Surprise the world. “We are all Wonders.”
“You can’t blend in when you are born to stand out.” Let’s make that “We can’t blend in when we are all born to shine.”
Read Wonder by R.J Palacio now.