SIC Logo Demystefied
Have you noticed our new SIC logo gracing the windows looking into the SIC?
The bright colours gives you a foretaste of exciting things to come if you dare step in!
For the curious, here are some information about the SIC logo that might interest you.
Who designed the logo?
The logo was first designed by Jessie Wu, a year 13 student library monitor in 2017. Henry Rose, a year 13 this year (2018), another of our talented library monitor, created the coloured version you see now.
What does the logo represent?
The SIC logo represents the synergy of people of varied backgrounds and knowledge pools, coming together (overlapping colours) to form connections of mind-opening significance. Together, we are able to reach transcendent states of being and doing that brings everybody up a level (cloud).
Keep a look out for the logo around our campus to know what’s happening at the hub of our college. You won’t want to miss out.