Charm Art by Grace Guan
Read 5 units of books set in different countries/cultures.
What you need to know
From missionary efforts in balmy Africa, to lonely back-to-the land survival in sub-zero Alaska, or breath-holding anxiety in war-torn France, to backstabbing power struggles in high society of New York, this quest offers you a great variety of book flavours.
Be a Culture Connoisseur as you experience different cultures through characters in stories. These stories could be fictional or biographical. Authors take great care to give as accurate a depiction as they can of historical or geographical realities. As such, reading these books can be as valuable an experience as actually being physically there.
Through vivid descriptions, you could be brought into new places, having a peek into specific ways of life in foreign lands. A greater awareness and appreciation of the hardships and dreams of these people can develop as a result, building empathy, appreciation of diversity and the need to practice proactive inclusion.
Sometimes, you may encounter characters that speak English in unfamiliar ways, either in the form of accents, slangs or may even be grammatically incorrect. Judgement needs to be suspended as you focus on understanding contexts, plots and intentions. You may be introduced to new perspectives that may be interesting, strange or that you disagree with. An open mind is required to fully assimilate each story.
Here is a list of more than a hundred books that you can select from with links to those available in the SIC library: Books set in different countries. pdf
Reader Profile
Culture Connoisseurs are informed individuals who understand the importance of cultural understanding. They are compassionate and inquisitive readers who revel in expanding their world-view. Having such an open-minded attitude allows these explorers to connect with all different kinds of people. A deep-seated empathy develops over time, the foundation of relationship building.